Research interests

 The lab is taking molecular, biochemical, and genetical approaches to answer questions about the molecular basis of gene regulation during development, cellular differentiation and tumorigenesis in vertebrate.

Current Projects

 Regulatory Mechanism of GATA-1 Gene Expression
 Expression and Function of Small Maf Proteins
 AhR and Nrf2 as Key Molecules in Xenobiotic Detoxification
 Transcriptional Regulation of Erythroid and Megakaryocytic Differentiation
 Molecular Mechanism of Adaptation to Hypoxia
 Involvement of Nrf2 and Keap1 in the Induction of Defense Enzymes/Proteins in Response to a Hazardous Environment
 Function of the GATA-2 Transcription Factor and the Mechanism Regulating its Expression
 Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation Using Zebrafish