シラバス Syllabus 生命システム医学専攻 Doctoral Program in Biomedical Sciences
Course Number
02EW021 02EW021
メディカルコミュニケーション演習Ⅰ Medical and Scientific Communication I
Language used (Japanese,  English,  Bilingual)
英語 English
Course Type
演習 Seminar
1、2年次 1 or 2
Semester,Day and Period
春AB Spring AB
Room Number
1 単位 1 Credit
Course Overview
履修者は医科学領域の最新の科学論文を読み、内容をよく理解した上で、プレゼンテーションを行い、他の学生や教員との議論を行う。この科目を通じて、履修者は、自身の研究成果を国際的な研究者コミュニティにおいて、わかりやすく、効果的かつ説得力のあるプレゼンテーションを行うことの重要性を理解するとともに、その能力を涵養する。 A literature-based, seminar-type course for the students to evaluate and review the latest scientific breakthrough in Medical Sciences. The goal of this course is for students to develop the proficiency they need to effectively and energetically communicate their professional achievements within the international scientific community.
Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
←SBO(Specific Behavior Objectives
1. To aquire an ability to select important articles from from online search service.
2. To develop an ability to introduce research topics to a general audience in time given.
3. To be able to discuss the unclear points and significances of the articles which are explained by other paticipants.
4. To develop an ability to evaluatethe significance of the selected articles in the related field of research.
1. To aquire an ability to select important articles from from online search service.
2. To develop an ability to introduce research topics to a general audience in time given.
3. To be able to discuss the unclear points and significances of the articles which are explained by other paticipants.
4. To develop an ability to evaluatethe significance of the selected articles in the related field of research.
Course Schedule

第1回(月日、時限)担当教員名 講義内容など

(1) Introduction to the course
(2) Constructing outline for research proposal.
(3) Presentation  and Discussion 1
(4) Presentation  and Discussion 2
(5) Presentation  and Discussion 3
(6) Presentation  and Discussion 4
(7) Chalk talk 1
(8) Chalk talk 2
(9) Chalk talk 3
(10) Chalk talk 4
Weekly, Moday 2nd period

(1) Introduction to the course
(2) Constructing outline for research proposal.
(3) Presentation  and Discussion 1
(4) Presentation  and Discussion 2
(5) Presentation  and Discussion 3
(6) Presentation  and Discussion 4
(7) Chalk talk 1
(8) Chalk talk 2
(9) Chalk talk 3
(10) Chalk talk 4
履修条件Course Prerequisites None None
Grading Phylosophy
- 行動目標の 1 と 2 を指導に従って大旨できれば C 以上と判断する。
- 行動目標の 1〜3 を指導に従って大旨でき、積極的に 4 を行っていると判断されれば B 以上と 判定する。1〜3 については発表と討論の概要を A4, 1 枚にまとめて提出させ、理解度を判定す る。
- 行動目標の 1〜4 について優れていると判断され、大旨できると判断され れば A と判定する。
Students are evaluated based on their active participation, clarity of the presentation, discussion, and the quality of their report submitted.
"Students are evaluated by the achievement of the objectives listed in the SBO.
- Fair achievement in the SBOs 1 and 2:  Pass (C).
- Good achievement  in the SBOs 1, 2 and 3, and actively conducted SBO 4:  Pass (B).
SBOs 1 - 3 will be evaluated based on a brief report in terms of presentation and dicsussion.
- Excellent achievement in SBOs 1-4 Pass (A)
Learning method, Out-of-class learning
発表 (セミナー) 70%; 授業中のDiscussion 50%
発表 の準備、他の学生の発表の復習
Presentaion 50%, Discussion 50%
Preparation for presentation, Preparation and understanding of contents from other students presentation.
Research articles to be discussed for each class will be provided as a PDF files. Research articles to be discussed for each class will be provided as a PDF files.
担当教員名・オフィスアワー等 オフィスアワーは定めない。メールで予定を確認のうえ、訪問すること。 No specific hours. Please contact by e-mail for appointment in advance.
Faculty Members and E-mail Ho Kiong,  kiongho at画像 Ho Kiong,  kiongho at画像
Requirement to earn credit
徹底的に科学的、論理的、厳密な議論を行うこと。 Participation in discussion in group session.
Students must contact and register for the course withon the first week of registration. The course coordinator will contact the student by email for the course sechedule.  Students must contact and register for the course withon the first week of registration. The course coordinator will contact the student by email for the course sechedule.

「@」は画像です。 "@" is an image file.