シラバス Syllabus Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
Course Number
0BTE31 /  0BTE33 0BTE35 /  0BTE37 0BTE39 /  0BTE3B
Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Medicine I
Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Medicine II
Seminar in Genome and Environmental Medicine I
Seminar in Genome and Environmental Medicine II
Practice  in Genome and Environmental Medicine I
Practice  in Genome and Environmental Medicine Ⅱ
Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology
Language used (Japanese,  English,  Bilingual)
Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual
Availability for Students from Other Lab.
Contact Information for Students from Other  Lab.
Naoyuki Tsuchiya,  tsuchiya at画像 Naoyuki Tsuchiya, tsuchiya at画像 Naoyuki Tsuchiya,  tsuchiya at画像
Lecture, presentation and discussion Seminar Practice 
1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2
Semester,Day and Period
ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester
Every Thursday, immediately after “Seminars in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology” class (approximately 18:15-19:30), except otherwise announced. No class in August, winter and spring breaks.
ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester
Every Thursday, 17:15-18:15,  except otherwise announced. No class in August, winter and spring breaks.
ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester
Room Number
Conact the faculty member Conact the faculty member Conact the faculty member
Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits
担当教員名・オフィスアワー等 (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail)
Faculty Members and E-mail  Naoyuki Tsuchiya, tsuchiya at画像 Naoyuki Tsuchiya, tsuchiya at画像 Naoyuki Tsuchiya, tsuchiya at画像
Aya Kawasaki,  a-kawasaki at画像 Aya Kawasaki,  a-kawasaki at画像 Aya Kawasaki,  a-kawasaki at画像
Study Subjects
This course consists of the progress reports of the attending students. In this course, the students are requested to present their own reearch progress and research plans from the viewpoint of human genetics and genetic epidemiology, followed by discussion with all students and faculty members. The presentations should be given in English language. Both English and Japanese panguages are used in the discussion.  This  course  is a  journal  club.  Students  are  requested  to  read,  summarize  and  critically review the significance and problems of a recent paper related to human genetics  and  genetic  epidemiology.  The presentation should be done in English language. Both English and Japanese may be used in the discussion. This course is a workshop on how to use basic genome databases and how to perform statistical analysis in human genome analysis. Different subjects are provided for .Practice  in Genome and Environmental Medicine I and II.
【Generic Competence】Inttelectual Creativity, Communication Skills
【Specific Competence】Research PlammomgSkills, Cutting-edge Research Execution Skills, 、Speciallized knowledge, Information and communication technology Skills
【Generic Competence】Inttelectual Creativity, Communication Skills
【Specific Competence】Research PlammomgSkills, Cutting-edge Research Execution Skills, 、Speciallized knowledge, Information and communication technology Skills
【Generic Competence】Inttelectual Creativity
【Specific Competence】Research PlammomgSkills, Cutting-edge Research Execution Skills, 、Speciallized knowledge
SBO(Specific Behavior Objectives
Students are expected to learn the principles and methodology to study human genome diversity and its implications in disease research. As a result, they are expected to acquire the following abilities.

1. The ability to present the purpose, methods, results, interpretation of the results and future research plan.
2.  The ability to to discuss the significance and originality of their experimental and/or statistical analyses in relation to the current understanding in the research field.
3.  The ability to appreciate questions and comments from your peers and advisors, and to effectively utilize them for the improvement of your future research.
4. The ability to understand the significance and limitation of other students’ presentations, and make useful suggestions for the improvement of their research.
5. The ability  able to make research protocols in compliance with the Ethical Guidelines for Human Genome/Gene Analysis Research under the supervision of faculty members.
6. The ability to  explain genetic/genomic analysis and statistical analysis in the geneics/genomics esearches.
7. The ability to propose the appropriate research design in accordance with the characteritics of the disease of interest.
8. The abilit y to correctly interpret the results of the human genetics studies and their significance in the basic and clinical medicine.
By critically reviewing a cutting-edge paper, students will learn the up-to-date researches in the field of human genetics/genomics and its implications in disease research.  They will also gain an insight how to design and conduct their own studies in order to be able to publish the results in good scientific journals. As a result, they are expected to acquire the following abilities.

1. The ability  to  find  a  suitable  paper  to  review  from  good  scientific  journals  using online reference search systems.
2. The ability to  understand the selected paper, and explain it to other students in a given time period.
3. The ability to ask questions and discuss the problems of the paper presented by other students.
4.  The ability to  explain  the  significance  of  the  paper  in  the  specific  scientific  field. 
By attending this workshop, the students will learn how to use the basic human genome databases to obtain necessary information related to their own research projects. They will also learn the basic principles of statistical genetics essential for the studies related to molecular and genetic epidemiology. As a result, they are expected to acquire the following abilities. 

"Practice  in Genome and Environmental Medicine I"
1. The ability to obtain information on the structure and function of genes using public genome databases.
2. The ability  to design PCR primers and experimental conditions.
3. The ability  to obtain information on the association between human genome diversity and diseases.
4. The ability  to obtain information on the SNPs associated with gene expression by using public genome database.

"Practice  in Genome and Environmental Medicine II"
5. The ability to detect genetic polymorphisms associated with diseases using appropriate statistical tests.
6. The ability  to obtain linkage equilibrium information. 
7. The ability to run Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test and to calculate genotype relative risk.
8. The ability to estimate haplotype frequencies and to calculate linkage disequilibrium parameters.
9. The ability  to explain the significance of linkage disequilibrium block in the association study of disease susceptibility genes
human genome diversity, variant, polymorphism, autoimmune diseases, systemic rheumatic diseases, genetic association study, disease associated variants human genome diversity, variant, polymorphism, autoimmune diseases, systemic rheumatic diseases, genetic association study, disease associated variants genome database, bioinformatics, eQTL, association study, linkage disequilibrium, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Course Schedule

第1回(月日、時限)担当教員名 講義内容など
Thursday, 18:15-19:30 (with occasional changes)(right after "Seminars in Moleculkar and Genetic Epidemiology")。
Every week, one student makes a presentation on his/her research peogress in English, followed by discussion with peer students and faculty members in English and/or Japanese).
Thursday, 17:00-18:15 (with occasional changes)
Every week, one student critically reviews a journal article related to the molecular and genetic epidemiology fieled in English languiage, followed by discussion with peer students and faculty members in English and/or Japanese.
Course Prerequisites
This subject must be taken in combination with "Seminar in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology". Knowledges on human genome analysis of the Master's program level are required to take this course. This subject must be taken in combination with "Lecture and Discussion  in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology". Knowledges on human genome analysis of the Master's program level are required to take this course. This subject must be taken in combination with "Lecture and Discussion  in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology" and "Seminar in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology". Knowledges on human genome analysis of the Master's program level are required to take this course.
Grading Phylosophy
Grading Methods and Criteria:
Students are evaluated by their  achievement of  SBO.
Students who:
-acdieived SBO 1 and 2 are graded C or higher.
-achieved SBO 1and 2 and actively practicing 3 are graded B or higher.
-achieved 1, 2 and 3, and actively practicing 4-8 are graded A or higher
- exhibited exceptional performance are graded A+ (top 10%).

Grading Methods and Criteria:
Students are evaluated by their achievement of  SBO
Students who:
-acdieived SBO 1 and 2 are graded C or higher.
-achieved SBO 1and 2 and actively practicing 3 are graded B or higher.
-achieved 1, 2 and 3, and actively practicing 4 are graded A or higher
- exhibited exceptional performance are graded A+ (top 10%).
Grading Methods and Criteria:
Students are evaluated by the achievement of SBO.
In each of the "Practice in Genome and Environmental Medicine I and II", students who:
-acdieived two  or more SBOs are graded C or higher.
-achieved three or more SBOs are graded B or higher.
-achieved four or more SBOs are graded A or higher
- exhibited exceptional performance are graded A+ (top 10%).
Grading Phylosophy
Lecture 100% (Students' presentation and discussion)
Out-of-class learning: Preparation for the presentation in the progress report.
Lecture 100% (Students' presentation and discussion)
Out-of-class learning: Read the distributed paper ahead of the journal club, and think of questions to ask.
Practice 100%
Out-of-class learning: Use the bioinformatic tools and/or statistical methods in your own study.
not rquired Materials will be distributed. Handouts will be distributed,
Requirement to earn credit
See "Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Meedicine I, II") See "Seminar in Genome and Environmental Meedicine I, II") See "Practice in Genome and Environmental Meedicine I, II")
This subject must be taken in combination with "Seminar in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology". Knowledges on human genome analysis of the Master's program level are required to take this course. This subject must be taken in combination with "Lecture and Discussion  in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology". Knowledges on human genome analysis of the Master's program level are required to take this course. This subject must be taken in combination with "Lecture and Discussion  in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology" and "Seminar in Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology". Knowledges on human genome analysis of the Master's program level are required to take this course.
他の授業科目との関連 Seminar in Genome and Environmental MedicineI, II
Practice in Genome and Environmental Medicine I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Medicine I, II
Practice in Genome and Environmental Medicine I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Genome and Environmental Medicine I, II
Seminar in Genome and Environmental Medicine I, II
ティーチングフェロー(TF)・ティーチングアシスタント(TA) To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any.



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