シラバス Syllabus Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
Subjects・Course Number
Lecture and Discussion in Clinical Pathophysiology Ⅰ/ 0BTNE51 Seminar in Clinical Pathophysiology I/ 0BTNE55  Practice  in Clinical Pathophysiology I/ 0BTNE59 
Lecture and Discussion in Clinical Pathophysiology Ⅱ / 0BTNE53 Seminar in Clinical Pathophysiology II/ 0BTNE57 Practice  in Clinical PathophysiologyⅡ/ 0BTNE5B
Radiation Health Risk Science Radiation Health Risk Science Radiation Health Risk Science
Language used (Japanese,  English,  Bilingual)
Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual
Availability for students from other lab.
Contact Information for Students from Other  Lab.
Tomonori Isobe, tiso at画像 Tomonori Isobe, tiso at画像 Tomonori Isobe, tiso at画像
Course Type
Lecture, presentation and discussion Seminar Practice 
1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2
Semester,Day and Period
ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester
Room Number
4E Bldg. 5F Conference room, Conference room in Proton Medical Research Center, etc. 4E Bldg. 5F Conference room, Conference room in Proton Medical Research Center, etc. 4E Bldg. 5F Conference room, Conference room in Proton Medical Research Center, etc.
Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits
担当教員名・オフィスアワー等 (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail)
Faculty Members and E-mail    ISOBE Tomonori, tiso at画像 ISOBE Tomonori, tiso at画像 ISOBE Tomonori, tiso at画像
SAKAE Takeji, takejisakae at画像 SAKAE Takeji, takejisakae at画像 SAKAE Takeji, takejisakae at画像
MORI Yutaro, ymori at画像 MORI Yutaro, ymori at画像 MORI Yutaro, ymori at画像
TAKEI Hideyuki, hide.y.takei at画像 TAKEI Hideyuki, hide.y.takei at画像 TAKEI Hideyuki, hide.y.takei at画像
Course overview
Responses in each time phase of radiation disasters are crucial such as an emergency radiation medicine in the aftermath, and continuous healthcare and radiation pollution control in the recovery period. In this course, lectures on the knowledge and skills required in all phases of radiation disasters will be given, and discussions will be held for the development of research. Paper reading on radiation health risk science will be held to understand the structure of the researches, and to discuss their significance. Discussions will be held for the development of research. Practices and experiments will be held to learn the knowledge and skills required in all phases of radiation disasters.
【Generic Competence】Inttelectual Creativity, Communication Skills
【Specific Competence】Research PlanningSkills, Cutting-edge Research Execution Skills, Specialized knowledge, Information and communication technology Skills
【Generic Competence】Inttelectual Creativity, Communication Skills
【Specific Competence】Research PlanningSkills, Cutting-edge Research Execution Skills, Specialized knowledge, Information and communication technology Skills
【Generic Competence】Inttelectual Creativity
【Specific Competence】Research PlanningSkills, Cutting-edge Research Execution Skills, Specialized knowledge
Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
←SBO(Specific Behavior Objectives
1. To be able to explain the abstract of radiation disasters.
2. To be able to explain initial response to emergency radiation exposure.
3. To be able to explain risk communication in disaster aftermath.
4. To be able to propose a method for epidemiological survey in radiation disaster.
1. To be able to read scientific papers and to explain their abstracts to others.
2. To be able to systematically understand and evaluate the significance of scientific papres.
3. To be able to understand research details and figure out problems.
4. To be able to understand new research techniques written in references and to utilize in practice.
5. To be able to understand and evaluate presentation of others. 
1. To be able to respond to radiation disasters leading a medical staff team in hospital.
2. To be able to properly treat patients who are exposed to radiation.
3. To be able to conduct evacuation inspections and decontamination.
4. To be able to prescribe stable iodine.
5. To be able to understand and practice risk communications in radiation disasters.
Radiation health risk science, Radiation measurement, Radiation protection, Emergency care, Statistics, Epidemiology Radiation health risk science, Radiation measurement, Radiation protection, Emergency care, Statistics, Epidemiology Radiation health risk science, Radiation measurement, Radiation protection, Emergency care, Statistics, Epidemiology
Course Schedule

第1回(月日、時限)担当教員名 講義内容など
Date to be discussed
【Special lecture I】
1   Effects of radiation on human body and Radiation protection   Takeji Sakae
2   Radiation measurement techniques in medicine   Hideyuki Takei
3   Basic policy on emergency radiation exposure   Tomonori Isobe
4   Local exposure and symptoms   Tomonori Isobe
5   Consultation in medical institution   Tomonori Isobe
6   Preperation and initial response to arrival of victims   Yutaro Mori
7   Temporary controlled radiation area: Definition, entrance and exit   Yutaro Mori
8   Treatment of contaminated waste   Tomonori Isobe
9   Dose evaluation in radiation disaster   Hideyuki Takei
10  Role of advanced radiation exposure medical support center   Takeji Sakae
【Special lecture II】
1   Transport in radiation disaster   Takeji Sakae
2   Prevention of contamination   Tomonori Isobe
3   Purpose of evacuation inspection   Tomonori Isobe
4   Operational Intervention Levels   Yutaro Mori
5   Inspection procedure and simple decontamination   Yutaro Mori
6   Epidemiological survey in radiation health risk   Hideyuki Takei
7   Mental health in radiation disaster   Tomonori Isobe
8   Risk communications   Tomonori Isobe
9   Stable iodine   Hideyuki Takei
10  Disaster prevention   Takeji Sakae
Abstract and problems of papers in radiation health risk science will be presented every week. Problems, significance and challenges will be discussed. Practices and experiments related to radiation health risk science will be held every week.
1   Response to radiation disasters in medical institute
2   Transport in radiation disaster
3   Evacuation inspection and simple decontamination
4   Stable iodine
5   Risk communications in radiation disaster
Course prerequisite
Only for students who take the education course
Ask staffs for permission to take the course.
Only for students who take the education course
Ask staffs for permission to take the course.
Only for students who take the education course
Ask staffs for permission to take the course.
Grading Criteria
Students are evaluated A+-C based on discussions and reports. Students are evaluated A+-C based on discussions and reports. Students are evaluated A+-C based on discussions and reports.
Learning method
Lecture 100%
Out-of-class study: Read textbooks. Discuss with responsible faculty members and students, and improve own ability for creativity and a sense of independence.
Training (Seminar) 100%
Out-of-class study:  Read textbooks. Discuss with responsible faculty members and students, and improve own ability for creativity and a sense of independence.
Experiment, Practice 100%
Out-of-class study:  Read textbooks. Discuss with responsible faculty members and students, and improve own ability for creativity and a sense of independence.
Repeat what is learned in the class to gain robust skills.
・ 日本放射線技術学会放射線防護分科会 編:叢書(31)図解放射線防護ミニマム基礎知識(日本放射線技術学会)2012
・松本英樹 編:放射線医科学の辞典 -生体と放射線・電磁波・超音波-(医療科学社)2019
・ICRP: The 2007 Recommendations of International Commission on Radiological Protection.  ICRP Publication 103.(Ann. ICRP 37 (2-4)) 2007
・IAEA: Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards. (IAEA Safety Standards Series GSR 3) ,2014
・WHO: Communication radiation risks in pediatric imaging: Information to support care discussions about benefit and risk.(World Health Organization) 2016
・Radiobiology for the radiologist, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
・独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所:虎の巻 低線量放射線と健康被害 先生、放射線を浴びても大丈夫?と聞かれたら 改訂版(医療科学社)2013
・UNSCEAR: Sources, effects and risk of ionizing radiation. (Unscear 2017 report) 2017
・日本救急医学会指導医・専門医制度委員会:救急診療方針 改訂第5版(へるす出版)2018
・日本外傷学会外傷初期診療ガイドライン改訂第5版編集委員会:外傷初期診療ガイドラインJATEC 改訂第5版(へるす出版)2016
・ 日本放射線技術学会放射線防護分科会 編:叢書(31)図解放射線防護ミニマム基礎知識(日本放射線技術学会)2012
・松本英樹 編:放射線医科学の辞典 -生体と放射線・電磁波・超音波-(医療科学社)2019
・ICRP: The 2007 Recommendations of International Commission on Radiological Protection.  ICRP Publication 103.(Ann. ICRP 37 (2-4)) 2007
・IAEA: Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards. (IAEA Safety Standards Series GSR 3) ,2014
・WHO: Communication radiation risks in pediatric imaging: Information to support care discussions about benefit and risk.(World Health Organization) 2016
・Radiobiology for the radiologist, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
・独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所:虎の巻 低線量放射線と健康被害 先生、放射線を浴びても大丈夫?と聞かれたら 改訂版(医療科学社)2013
・UNSCEAR: Sources, effects and risk of ionizing radiation. (Unscear 2017 report) 2017
・日本救急医学会指導医・専門医制度委員会:救急診療方針 改訂第5版(へるす出版)2018
・日本外傷学会外傷初期診療ガイドライン改訂第5版編集委員会:外傷初期診療ガイドラインJATEC 改訂第5版(へるす出版)2016
・ 日本放射線技術学会放射線防護分科会 編:叢書(31)図解放射線防護ミニマム基礎知識(日本放射線技術学会)2012
・松本英樹 編:放射線医科学の辞典 -生体と放射線・電磁波・超音波-(医療科学社)2019
・ICRP: The 2007 Recommendations of International Commission on Radiological Protection.  ICRP Publication 103.(Ann. ICRP 37 (2-4)) 2007
・IAEA: Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards. (IAEA Safety Standards Series GSR 3) ,2014
・WHO: Communication radiation risks in pediatric imaging: Information to support care discussions about benefit and risk.(World Health Organization) 2016
・Radiobiology for the radiologist, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
・独立行政法人放射線医学総合研究所:虎の巻 低線量放射線と健康被害 先生、放射線を浴びても大丈夫?と聞かれたら 改訂版(医療科学社)2013
・UNSCEAR: Sources, effects and risk of ionizing radiation. (Unscear 2017 report) 2017
・日本救急医学会指導医・専門医制度委員会:救急診療方針 改訂第5版(へるす出版)2018
・日本外傷学会外傷初期診療ガイドライン改訂第5版編集委員会:外傷初期診療ガイドラインJATEC 改訂第5版(へるす出版)2016
Requirement to earn credit
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Attendance of 5 hours or more to other lab's classes.
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Attendance of 5 hours or more to other lab's classes.
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Do not leave problems unsolved.
Discuss strictly, logically and scientifically.
Do not leave problems unsolved.
Discuss strictly logical and scientifically.
Document your knowledge logically.
Do not leave problems unsolved.
Discuss strictly logical and scientifically.
Document your knowledge logically.
他の授業科目との関連 Seminar in Clinical Pathophysiology I, II
Practice  in Clinical Pathophysiology  I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Clinical Pathophysiology I, II
Practice  in Clinical Pathophysiology I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Clinical Pathophysiology I, II
Seminar in Clinical Pathophysiology I, II
ティーチングフェロー(TF)・ティーチングアシスタント(TA) To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any.


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