シラバス Syllabus Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
Subjects・Course Number
Lecture and Discussion in Internal Medicine Ⅰ/ 0BTNE71 Seminar in Internal Medicine I/ 0BTNE75  Practice in Internal Medicine I/ 0BTNE79 
Lecture and Discussion in  Internal Medicine Ⅱ / 0BTNE73 Seminar in Internal Medicine II/ 0BTNE77 Practice in Internal Medicine Ⅱ/ 0BTNE7B
Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology
Language used (Japanese,  English,  Bilingual)
Bilingual Bilingual Bilingual
Availability for Students from Other Lab.
○ possible ○ possible x unavailable
Contact Information for Students from Other  Lab.
TSUCHIYA Kiichiro kii.gast at画像 TSUCHIYA Kiichiro kii.gast at画像 TSUCHIYA Kiichiro kii.gast at画像
Course Type
Lecture, presentation and discussion Seminar Practice 
1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2
Semester,Day and Period
ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester
Room Number
Conference room, other Conference room, other Conference room, other
Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits
Faculty Members and E-mail
(make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail)
TSUCHIYA Kiichiro kii.gast at画像 TSUCHIYA Kiichiro kii.gast at画像 TSUCHIYA Kiichiro kii.gast at画像
SUZUKI Hideo  hideoszk at画像 SUZUKI Hideo  hideoszk at画像 SUZUKI Hideo  hideoszk at画像
MATSUI Hirohumi  hmatsui at画像 MATSUI Hirohumi  hmatsui@md.tsukuba.ac.jp MATSUI Hirohumi  hmatsui@md.tsukuba.ac.jp
NARASAKA Toshiaki tnarasaka at画像 NARASAKA Toshiaki tnarasaka at画像 NARASAKA Toshiaki tnarasaka at画像
MORIWAKI Toshikazu tmoriwak at画像 MORIWAKI Toshikazu tmoriwak at画像 MORIWAKI Toshikazu tmoriwak at画像
HASEGAWA Naoyuki naoyuki-hasegawa at画像 HASEGAWA Naoyuki naoyuki-hasegawa at画像 HASEGAWA Naoyuki naoyuki-hasegawa at画像
YAMADA Takeshi t.yamada718 at画像 YAMADA Takeshi t.yamada718 at画像 YAMADA Takeshi t.yamada718 at画像
Course Overview
Each student presents the research results related to the pathophysiology and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Stuents understand its significance, and decide on future plans through the discussion. Select and read the original papers related to gastrointestinal disease research. All participants will understand the background, aim, method and results of the research, and discuss the significance, critical examination and future direction of the research. Learn the research methods that are the basis of gastroenterology research, plan and carry out experiments on your own according to your own research theme, and discuss the results. Ultimately, it creates a new concept regarding gastrointestinal physiological function or disease pathology.
[General] Generating knowledge and communication skills
[Specialty] Abilities of setting research project, executing advanced research, properly using specialized knowledge, and  transmitting information
[General] Generating knowledge and communication skills
[Specialty] Abilities of setting research project, executing advanced research, properly using specialized knowledge, and  transmitting information
[General] Generating knowledge
[Specialty] Abilities of executing advanced research and properly using specialized knowledge
Course Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
←SBO(Specific Behavior Objectives
(GIO) Understand the current state of the pathophysiology and intractable mechanism of gastrointestinal diseases, and extract remaining problems from clinical sites. From these problems, set research subjects to solve problems through molecular cell biological experiments, animal experiments, histopathological analysis, clinical research, etc. To resolve these problems,  the ability to independently plan, carry out, and evaluate experimental research.
1. Understand and comply with the significance of taking the courses necessary for research. Research ethics class, animal experiment class, genetic modification class, information ethics class, etc.
2. Explain the purpose of the research and its background, including a review of the literature.
3. Present methods, research results and their interpretations, and research to be conducted in the future.
4. Understand the questions and comments regarding the content of the presentation, answer and discuss. And reflect the content of the discussion in improving the quality of subsequent research.
5. Understand the meaning and unclear points from the presentations of other students, and ask questions and discuss for problem solving.
(GIO) Reads original papers published in representative international scientific / medical journals. Understand the background and purpose of research on gastrointestinal diseases, and understand the experimental methods and steps to solve problems. It will be possible to reflect it in the ideas and experiments of the participants' own research projects.
1. You can select a suitable paper from the original papers of representative international academic journals.
2. Be able to read and understand selected paper and create presentation slides.
3. Be able to give an overview and answer questions within a set time.
4. Participants can hear and understand presenter's explanation and discuss questions and the significance of the study.
(GIO) Understand the current state of gastrointestinal diseases and intractable mechanisms, and extract still remaining problems from clinical practice. From these problems, set research subjects and learn methods for solving problems such as molecular cell biological experiments, animal experiments, histopathological analysis, and clinical research. To develop the ability to independently plan, carry out, and evaluate experimental research toward problem solving, and form the basis for the development and improvement of gastroenterology.
1.  Learn the basics of research methods such as molecular cell biological experiments, animal experiments, histopathological analysis, and clinical research.
2. Develop and carry out an experimental plan according to the research theme.
3. Evaluate the results obtained and make the following plans.
4. Report the results obtained to be understood within the research group.
5. Finally, the goal is to make a presentation at an academic conference and publish a paper in an international journal.
Gastrointestinal disease, malignant tumor, inflammatory bowel disease, intractable disease Gastrointestinal disease, malignant tumor, inflammatory bowel disease, intractable disease Gastrointestinal disease, malignant tumor, inflammatory bowel disease, intractable disease
Course Schedule

第1回(月日、時限)担当教員名 講義内容など
Wednesday 18: 00-
Students will present their research objectives, methods, research results and their significance, and future research. Receive questions and comments from participants, understand their intentions, and respond appropriately. Participants will listen to the presentation and understand its significance and shortcomings. Ask questions and discuss the content of the presentation to improve their research.
Thursday 18: 00-
The presenter selects a paper and prepares for the presentation. Inform participants in advance. In class, explain and answer questions within the set time. Participants will discuss questions and the significance of the research from the content of the presentation.
Weekdays at any time
Set research themes and plan research methods for  problem solving. Acquire the basics of necessary research methods and carry out experiments. Consider and discuss the results obtained. By repeating the above, the research results will be developed.
Course prerequisite
1st or 2nd year in the Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences 1st or 2nd year in the Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences 1st or 2nd year in the Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
Grading Criteria
Criteria of C or higher: Achieved SBO 1 and 2.
Judgment criteria of B or higher: Judged as C or higher and achieved 3.
Judgment criteria of A or higher: Judged as B or higher and achieved 4.
Criteria for A +: Judged as A or higher and achieved 5.
Criteria of C or higher: Achieved SBO 1 and 2.
Judgment criteria of B or higher: Judged as C or higher and achieved 3.
Judgment criteria of A or higher: Judged as B or higher and achieved 4.
Criteria for A +: Judged as A or higher and actively participated.
Criteria of C or higher: Achieved SBO 1 and 2.
Judgment criteria of B or higher: Judged as C or higher and achieved 3.
Judgment criteria of A or higher: Judged as B or higher and achieved 4.
Criteria for A +: Judged as A or higher and achieved 5.
Learning method
Lecture and discussion 100%
Out-of-class learning: Conduct their own research based on the knowledge and skills obtained in this course. Also see  separate sheets.
Training (Seminar) 100%
Out-of-class learning: Conduct their own research based on the knowledge and skills obtained in this course. Also see separate sheets.
Practice 100%
Out-of-class learning: see separate sheets.
Requirement to earn credit
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Attendance to other lab's classes is not applied for 2021FY
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Attendance to other lab's classes is not applied for 2022FY
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Actively participate in questions and discussions. Actively participate in questions and discussions. Actively participate in questions and discussions.
Relation to Other Courses
Seminar in Internal Medicin I, II
Practice  in Internal Medicin  I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Internal Medicin I, II
Practice  in Internal Medicin I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Internal Medicin I, II
Seminar in Internal Medicin I, II


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