シラバス Syllabus Doctoral Program in Medical Sciences
Subjects・Course Number
Lecture and Discussion in Social Medicine Ⅰ/ 0BTNE81 Seminar in Social Medicine I/ 0BTNE85  Practice  in Social Medicine I/ 0BTNE89 
Lecture and Discussion in Social Medicine Ⅱ / 0BTNE83 Seminar in Social Medicine II/ 0BTNE87 Practice  in Social MedicineⅡ/ 0BTNE8B
Public Health Medicine Public Health Medicine Public Health Medicine
Language used (Japanese,  English,  Bilingual)
Japanese Japanese Japanese
Availability for Students from Other Lab.
negotiable negotiable negotiable
Contact Information for Students from Other  Lab.
k-yamagishi at画像 k-yamagishi at画像 k-yamagishi at画像
Course Type
Lecture, presentation and discussion Seminar Practice 
1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2
Semester,Day and Period
ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester ⅠSpring semester / ⅡAutumn semester
Room Number
Conference room, other Conference room, other Conference room, other
Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits Spring and Autumn semester, 2 x 2 credits
担当教員名・オフィスアワー等 (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail) (make an appointment by E-mail)
Faculty Members and E-mail  YAMAGISHI Kazumasa YAMAGISHI Kazumasa YAMAGISHI Kazumasa
k-yamagishi at画像 k-yamagishi at画像 k-yamagishi at画像
Course Overview
Students will read the recent literature on epidemiology and prevention in lifestyle-related desease , and learn a practical research method in  public health medicine. Students will learn an  analytical method of lifestyle-related desease epidemiology. Students will participate in fieldworks to have experiences in community-based preventive practices. Students are required to speak basic Japanese.
【Generic Competence】Intellectual creativity, Communication skills
【Specific Competence】Research planning skills, Cutting-edge research execution skills, 、Speciallized knowledge, Information and communication technology skills
【Generic Competence】Intellectual creativity, Communication skills
【Specific Competence】Research planning skills, Cutting-edge research execution skills, 、Speciallized knowledge, Information and communication technology skills
【Generic Competence】Intellectual creativity, Communication skills                                                【Specific Competence】Research planning skills, Cutting-edge research execution skills, 、Speciallized knowledge
SBO(Specific Behavior Objectives
1. To be able to explain an overview of the recent literature on epidemiology and prevention in   lifestyle-related diseases.                                         2. To be able to discuss the limitations and significances of the literature, as well as the validity of study methods.                                                    3. To be able to briefly explain the following subjects in the major lifestyle-related diseases: 1) epidemiology, 2) international comparison, 3) political, behavioral, socioeconomic, clinical, pathological, physiological and biochemical issues, 4) biological pathophysiology and 5) gene-environmental interaction. 1. To be able to explain the objectives, methods, results and perspectives of their own public health medicine studies.                                                       2. To be able to explain a public health significance, originality and contribution of their own studies.         3. To be able to understand critiques of their studies from others and to incorporate them to improve their studies.                                                                 4. To be able to understand the concepts, significances and drawbacks of the other students’ studies and to give comments to the studies .            5. To understand the consequences of study methods, including ethical issues, and to perform a study with an appropriate study protocol.                                       【Specific Competence】Research planning skills, Cutting-edge research execution skills, Speciallized knowledge
prevention in lifestyle-related deseases ,   epidemiology ,  cohort study  , community prevention,          preventive medicine prevention in lifestyle-related deseases ,   epidemiology ,  cohort study  , community prevention,          preventive medicine prevention in lifestyle-related deseases ,   epidemiology ,  cohort study  , community prevention,          preventive medicine
Course Schedule

第1回(月日、時限)担当教員名 講義内容など
Format of scientific paper                                Design of epidemiological study                      Methods in epidemiological interpretation Give presentation and discussion of researches on lifestyle-related disease including  stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. The presentation and discussion include 1) objectives, 2) design, 3) methods and statistics, 4) interpretation of the results, and 5) perspectives. Network of public health, medicine and social welfare in community settings                                   Concept and current status of prevention program in community settings                                       Current status of prevention program in community settings
Course Prerequisites
Grading Phylosophy
Students are evaluated by the achievement of the objectives listed in the SBO.
A+: Superior (more than 90: top 10%)
A: Excellent (80-89: upper 20%)
B: Good (70-79)
C: Average (60-69)
D: Failure (less than 60)
Students are evaluated by the achievement of the objectives listed in the SBO.
A+: Superior (more than 90: top 10%)
A: Excellent (80-89: upper 20%)
B: Good (70-79)
C: Average (60-69)
D: Failure (less than 60)
Attitude in field work (50%)
Discussion (50%)
A+: Superior (more than 90: top 10%)
A: Excellent (80-89: upper 20%)
B: Good (70-79)
C: Average (60-69)
D: Failure (less than 60)
Learning method
Lecture 100%
Out-of-class study:  Write a summary on papers (2 per month) together with own opinion.
Out-of-class study: Read textbooks, discuss with  faculty members and students, and improve own ability for creativity and a sense of independence.
Fieldwork 100%
To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any.
Requirement to earn credit
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
Requirement to earn credit: Attendance 80% or more.
他の授業科目との関連 Seminar in Social Medicine I, II
Practice in Social Medicine  I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Social Medicine I, II
Practice  in Social Medicine I, II
Lecture and Discussion in Social Medicine I, II
Seminar in Social Medicine I, II
ティーチングフェロー(TF)・ティーチングアシスタント(TA) To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any. To be announced, if any.


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