@Œค‹†‹ฦั: ”ั’ห@Wi2016-2018j

1.Segawa S, Goto D, Iizuka A, Kaneko S, Yokosawa M, Kondo Y, Matsumoto I, Sumida T.:
The regulatory role of IFN-g producing gammadelta T cells via the suppression of Th17 cell activity in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis.
Clin Exp Immunol 185(3):348-60,2016

2.Iizuka A, Segawa S, Kondo Y, Kaneko S, Yokosawa M, Furuyama K, Miki H, Tahara-Hanaoka S, Shibuya A, Tsuboi H, Goto D, Matsumoto I, Shibayama S, Sumida T.:
Allergy inhibitory receptor-1 inhibits autoantibody production via upregulation of apoptotic debris clearance by macrophages.
Int J Rheum Dis (in press)

3.Segawa S, Kondo Y, Nakai Y, Iizuka A, Kaneko S, Yokosawa M, Furuyama K, Tsuboi H, Goto D, Matsumoto I, Sumida T.:
Placenta specific-8 suppresses IL-18 production through regulation of autophagy and is associated with Adult Stillfs disease.
J Immunol (in press)