@Œ€‹†‹ΖΡ: ’J‘Ί —扛Ψi2021j

1.Shimizu M, Kondo Y, Tanimura R, Furuyama K, Yokosawa M, Asashima H, Tsuboi H, Matsumoto I, Sumida T.:
T-bet represses collagen-induced arthritis by suppressing Th17 lineage commitment through inhibition of RORgt expression and function.

Sci Rep (in press)

2.Furuyama K, Kondo Y, Shimizu M, Yokosawa M, Segawa S, Iizuka A, Tanimura R, Tsuboi H, Matsumoto I, Sumida T.:
RORƒΑt+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in the regulation of autoimmune arthritis.
Clin Exp Immunol (in press)