Research interests

The laboratory uses molecular biological, biochemical, and genetical approaches to answer questions about the molecular mechanisms of the gene regulation during development, cell differentiation and tumor formation, in the eukaryotic organisms. Recent years, we have been focusing our studies on the gene regulations during haematopoiesis and stress responses.

1. Molecular mechanism of the gene regulation during erythropoiesis
・ Transcriptional regulation of the GATA-1, GATA-2, MafK and ALAS-E genes
・ Domain analyses of the GATA-1, GATA-2 and small Maf proteins
・ Regulation of the transcription factors network during erythropoiesis
・ Application of the GFP-technology to haematology
・ Regulation of iron metabolism

2. Molecular mechanism of the gene regulation during stress response
・ Transcriptional regulation of the drug metabolizing-enzyme genes by AhR/Arnt
 and Nrf2
・ Transcriptional regulation of the antioxidant-enzyme genes by Nrf2 and Keap1
・ Roles of the stress reponse in carcinogenesis and degenerative diseases
・ Adaptation of the organism to hypoxia by the Epo-EpoR system

3. Molecular mechanism of the gene regulation during embryogenesis
・ Functional analyses of c-Maf, BTEB, Smad and Six

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