
演者: Thomas Moeller  博士
         Research Associate Professor,          Dept. Neurology Univ. of

演題: “Microglia activation-signaling by thrombin and IgM"

平成18年 2月15日(水)
総合研究棟D棟 中会議室 115号室

 Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system
(CNS). They have been implicated in many acute and chronic neurological
diseases, including multiple sclerosis, trauma and stroke. Upon brain
damage these cells get rapidly activated and transform from a resting state
into activated microglia. It is widely believed that substances released
from damaged cells within the CNS trigger this process and consequently
lead to the long-term changes of microglial gene expression and
reorganization of the cell phenotype. Until recently, research has mainly
focused on the activation of microglial cells by cytokines. However,
another group of candidates for microglia activation are serum factors.
Here we will present data on microglial activation by thrombin and IgM.
These factors induce proliferation, cytokine release and regulation of cell
surface antigen and might mediate microglia activation under conditions of
the breakdown of the blood-brain barrier such as trauma or stroke.

問い合わせ先 :  人間総合科学研究科基礎医学系・免疫学免疫学・渋谷 彰

