人間総合科学研究科 感性認知脳科学専攻教授 設楽グループ 本文へジャンプ


1. Okamura, Y. and Shidara, M. (1990). Kinetic differences between Na channels in the egg and in the neurally differentiated blastomere in the tunicate. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84, 8702-8706.

2. Okamura, Y. and Shidara, M. (1990). Changes in sodium channels during neural differentiation in the isolated blastomere of the ascidian embryo. J. Physiol. 431, 39 - 74.

3. Okamura, Y. and Shidara, M. (1990). Inactivation kinetics of the sodium channel in the egg and the isolated, neurally differentiated blastomere of the ascidian. J. Physiol. 431, 75 - 102.

4. Shidara, M. and Okamura, Y. (1991). Developmental changes in delayed rectifier K+ currents in the muscular- and neural-type blastomere of ascidian embryos. J. Physiol. 443, 277 - 305.

5. Kawano, K., Shidara M. and Yamane, S. (1992). Neural activity in dorsolateral pontine nucleus of alert monkey during ocular following responses. J. Neurophysiol. 67, 680 - 703.

6. Kawano, K. and Shidara, M. (1992). The role of the cortico-ponto-cerebellar pathway in ocular following responses. Equilibrium Res. 51, 98.

7. Kawano, K., Shidara, M., Watanabe, Y. and Yamane, S. (1992). Short-latency responses of neurons in dorsolateral pontine nucleus and cortical area MST of alert monkey to movement of large-field visual stimulus. In "Vestibular and Brain Stem Control of Eye, Head and Body Movements." ed. by Shimazu, H. and Shinoda, Y. Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo. pp. 397 - 404.

8. Shidara, M. and Kawano, K. (1993). Role of Purkinje cells in the ventral paraflocculus in short-latency ocular following responses. Exp. Brain Res. 93, 185 - 195.

9. Shidara, M., Kawano, K., Gomi, H. and Kawato, M. (1993). Inverse-dynamics model eye movement control by Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Nature 365, 50 - 52.

10. Kawano, K. and Shidara, M. (1993). The role of the ventral paraflocculus in ocular following in the monkey. Role of the Cerebellum and Basal Ganglia in Voluntary Movement. Eds. Mano, Hamada and DeLong. pp. 195 - 202.

11. Kawano, K., Shidara, M., Watanabe, Y. and Yamane, S. (1994). Neural activity in cortical area MST of alert monkey during ocular following responses. J. Neurophysiol. 71, 2305 - 2324.

12. Kawano, K. and Shidara, M. (1994). Information representation by Purkinje cells in the cerebellum during ocular following responses. Neurosci. Res. 21, 13 - 17.

13. Kawano, K., Shidara, M., Gomi, H. and Kawato, M. (1994). Encoding of dynamic properties of eye movements by Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. Contemporary Ocular Motor and Vestibular Research: A Tribute to David A. Robinson. pp. 424 - 426.

14. Kawano, K., Shidara, M., Takemura, A., Inoue, Y., Gomi, H., and Kawato, M. (1996). Inverse-dynamics representation of eye movements by cerebellar Purkinje cell activity during short-latency ocular-following responses. Annals New York Acad. Sci. 781, 314-321.

15. Shidara, M., Aigner, TG., Richmond, BJ. (1998). Neuronal signals in the monkey ventral striatum related to progress through a predictable series of trials. J. Neurosci. 18, 2613-2625.

16. Gomi, H., Shidara, M., Takemura, A., Inoue, Y., Kawano, K., Kawato, M. (1998). Temporal firing patterns of Purkinje cells in the cerebellar ventral paraflocculus during ocular following responses in monkeys I. Simple spikes. J. Neurophysiol. 80, 818-831.

17. Shidara, M., Richmond, BJ. (2002). Anterior cingulate: Single neuronal signals related to degree of reward expectancy. Science 296, 1709-1711.

18. Richmond BJ., Liu Z, Shidara M. (2003). Predicting Future Rewards. Science 301, 179-180 (2003)

19. Shidara M., Richmond BJ. (2004). Differential encoding of information about progress through multi-trial reward schedules by 3 groups of ventral striatal neurons. Neurosci. Res. 49, 307-314.

20. Shidara M., Richmond BJ. (2005). Effect of visual noise on pattern recognition. Exp. Brain Res., 163, 239-241.

21. Shidara M., Mizuhiki T., Richmond BJ. (2005). Neuronal firing in anterior cingulate neurons changes modes across trials in single states of multitrial reward schedules. Exp. Brain Res., 163, 242-245.

22. Ishii S., Shidara M., and Shibata K. (2006). A model to explain the emergence of reward expectancy neurons using reinforcement learning and neural network. Neurocomputing 69, 1327-1331.

23. Mizuhiki T., Richmond BJ., (2007). Mode changes in activity of single neurons in anterior insular cortex across trials during multi-trial reward schedules. Neurosci Res 57: 587-591.

24. Simmons JM., Ravel S., Shidara M., Richmond BJ. (2007). A Comparison of Reward-Contingent Neuronal Activity in Monkey Orbitofrontal Cortex and Ventral Striatum. Guiding Actions toward Rewards. Ann N.Y. Acad Sci 1121: 376-394.

25. Toda K, Sugase-Miyamoto Y, Mizuhiki T, Inaba K, Richmond BJ, Shidara M. (2012). Differential encoding of factors influencing predicted reward value in monkey rostral anterior cingulate cortex. PloS One 7: e30190

26. Mizuhiki T, Inaba K, Setogawa T, Toda K, Ozaki S, Shidara M. (2012) The influence of passband limitation on the waveform of extracellular action potential. Neurosci Res 72: 214-220.

27. Mizuhiki T, Richmond BJ, Shidara M. (2012). Encoding of reward expectation by monkey anterior insular neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 107:2996-3007.

28. Ohyama K, Sugase-Miyamoto Y, Matsumoto N, Shidara M, Sato C. (2012). Stimulus-related activity during conditional associations in monkey perirhinal cortex neurons depends on upcoming reward outcome. J Neurosci. 32(48):17407-19.

29. Inaba K, Mizuhiki T, Setogawa T, Toda K, Richmond BJ, Shidara M. (2013). Neurons in Monkey Dorsal Raphe Nucleus Code Beginning and Progress of Step-by-Step Schedule, Reward Expectation, and Amount of Reward Outcome in the Reward Schedule Task. J Neurosci. 33(8):3477-91.

30. Setogawa T, Mizuhiki T, Matsumoto N, Akizawa F, Shidara M. (2014). Self-choice enhances value in reward-seeking in primates. Neurosci Res 80:45-54.

31. Ohyama K, Sugase-Miyamoto Y, Matsumoto N, Sato C, Shidara M. (2014). Small effect of upcoming reward outcomes on visual cue-related neuronal activity in macaque area TE during conditional associations. Neurosci Res. 88:28-38.
