
筑波大学 医学医療系 臨床薬剤学
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,  Faculty of Medicine,  University of Tsukuba




No.1 Shirayama Y, Doki K, Sekiguchi Y, Aonuma K, Kohda Y, Homma M:
Simultaneous determination of serum propafenone and its metabolites using high-performance liquid chromatography
Biomed Chromatogr 32(2), bmc.4099, 2018
No.2 Doki K, Darwich AS, Achour B, Tornio A, Backman JT, Rostami-Hodjegan A:
Implications of intercorrelation between hepatic CYP3A4-CYP2C8 enzymes for the evaluation of drug-drug interactions: a case study with repaglinide
Br J Clin Pharmacol 84(5), 972-986, 2018
No.3 Ohgami M, Kaburagi T, Kurosawa A, Doki K, Shiozawa T, Hizawa N, Homma M:
Effects of proton pump inhibitor co-administration on the plasma concentration of erlotinib in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Ther Drug Monit 40(6), 699-704, 2018
No.4 土岐浩介:
YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 138(9), 1145-1150, 2018
No.5 Doki K, Shirayama Y, Sekiguchi Y, Aonuma K, Kohda Y, Homma M:
Optimal sampling time and clinical implication of the SCN5A promoter haplotype in propafenone therapeutic drug monitoring
Eur J Clin Pharmacol 74(10), 1273-1279, 2018
No.6 Chetty M, Johnson TN, Polak S, Salem F, Doki K, Rostami-Hodjegan A:
Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling to guide drug delivery in older people
Adv Drug Deliv Rev 135, 85-96, 2018
No.7 伊藤 雅, 嶋田沙織, 横田直之, 土岐浩介, 本間真人:
医療薬学 44(11), 582-586, 2018
No.8 Yamagami F, Tajiri K, Doki K, Hattori M, Honda J, Aita S, Harunari T, Yamasaki H, Murakoshi N, Sekiguchi Y, Homma M, Takahashi N, Aonuma K, Nogami A, Ieda M:
Indoxyl Sulphate is Associated with Atrial Fibrillation Recurrence after Catheter Ablation
Sci Rep 8, 17276, 2018


No.1 土岐浩介, 本間真人:
【病気とくすり2018 基礎と実践Expert's Guide】
循環器系・泌尿器系・生殖器系の病気とくすり 循環器系疾患 不整脈
薬局 69(4), 375-387, 2018
No.2 井坂由佳, 神林泰行, 本間真人:
薬局 69(12), 3348-3353, 2018


No.1 井坂江吏香, 神鳥周也, 細野智美, 土岐浩介, 西山博之, 本間真人:
第29回茨城県薬剤師学術大会 学術大会賞(ポスター) 11月, 2018

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