
筑波大学 医学医療系 臨床薬剤学
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,  Faculty of Medicine,  University of Tsukuba




No.1 Hashimoto N, Doki K, Kawano S, Aonuma K, Ieda M, Homma M:
Increased serum amiodarone concentration in hypertriglyceridemic patients: Effects of drug distribution to serum lipoproteins
Clin Transl Sci 15(3), 771-781, 2022
No.2 Nakagomi Y, Tajiri K, Shimada S, Li S, Inoue K, Murakata Y, Murata M, Sakai S, Sato K, Ieda Masaki:
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Related Myositis Overlapping With Myocarditis: An Institutional Case Series and a Systematic Review of Literature
Front Pharmacol 13, 884776, 2022
No.3 Higashibata T, Hamano J, Kessoku T, Kajiura S, Hirakawa M, Horie Y, Shimizu M, Oyamada S, Ariyoshi K, Kihara K, Yamanaka Y, Konishi K, Doki K, Takashima Y, Horiuchi M, Homma M, Yamada T, Yamamoto Y, Moriwaki T, Morita T, Nakajima A, Nagaoka H:
Rationale and design of a multicenter, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to investigate the effects of naldemedine on opioid-induced constipation for patients with cancer pain: A study protocol
Contemp Clin Trials Commun 29, 100967, 2022
No.4 Namiki T, Hoshino T, Egashira N, Kogure T, Endo M, Homma M:
A review of frequently used Kampo prescriptions part 1. Daikenchuto
Traditional & Kampo Medicine 9, 151-179, 2022
No.5 Kaneko T, Doki K, Yamada T, Yamamoto Y, Moriwaki T, Suzuki Y, Homma M:
Distribution of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies into ascites in advanced gastric cancer patients with peritoneal metastasis: case reports and literature review
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 90(5), 421-426, 2022
No.6 Mukai Y, Yoshida T, Kondo T, Miura J, Inotsume N, Toda T:
Development and validation of a simple method for simultaneously measuring the concentrations of BCR-ABL and Bruton tyrosine kinase inhibitors in dried blood spot (DBS): a pilot study to obtain candidate conversion equations for predicting plasma concentration based on DBS concentration
Ther Drug Monit 44(6), 762-770, 2022


No.1 土岐浩介, 本間真人:
【お薬立ちBOOK2022 解剖生理・病態生理から薬学管理へ】
病態生理を踏まえた薬物治療・薬学管理へ 不整脈 薬理と薬学管理上の注意点
薬局 73(4), 944-956, 2022
No.2 本間真人, 嶋田沙織:
ファルマシア 58(6), 542-546, 2022
No.3 髙嶋泰之, 本間真人:
薬にまつわる疑問に答える(薬にまつわる疑問 1.薬、治験の現状はどうなっていますか?)
JOHNS 38(9), 947-952, 2022


No.1 渡辺雄介, 土岐浩介, 関根郁夫, 山田武史, 山本祥之, 長谷川直之, 福田邦明, 原 尚人, 本間真人:
第38回日本TDM学会・学術大会 優秀演題賞(口演)5月, 2022
No.2 大神正宏, 向 祐志, 會田有香, 鈴木嘉治, 関根郁夫, 本間真人:
第38回日本TDM学会・学術大会 優秀演題賞(口演)5月, 2022

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