Research Team of Cancer Nursing
and Care System Research

Research Members


Michiyo Mizuno


Assssociate Professor

Tomoko Ito


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Research Achievements


  • 1. Kawa, M., Kayama, M., Maeyama, E., Iba, N., Murata, H., Imamura, Y., Koyama, T., Mizuno, M.: Distress of inpatients with terminal cancer in Japanese palliative care units: from the viewpoint of spirituality. Support Care Cancer, 11, 481-490, 2003.
  • 2. Dongyan Zeng, Mizuno, M.: The concept of spirituality in the context of Chinese patients with cancer: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing. First published:22 June 2023 DOI:10.1111/jan.15741

Care Needs

  • 1. Mizuno M.: The changes and strategies adopted by the public health services and medical society in Japan. In Z. Lin (Eds.), Asian Voices: Asian and Asian American health educators speak out. Jones and Bartlett MA, 146-167, 1999.
  • 2. Mizuno M., Onishi C., Ouishi F.: Truth Disclosure of Cancer Diagnoses and Its Influence on Bereaved Japanese Families. Cancer Nursing, Vol.25, 396-403, 2002.
  • 3. Mizuno M., Arita H., Kakuta M.: Needs of Ambulatory Patients with Cancer Who Visited Outpatient Units in Japanese Hospitals. Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol.32, E63-E69, 2005.
  • 4. Mizuno M., Kakuta M., Ono Y., Kato A., Inoue Y.: Experiences of Japanese patients with colorectal cancer during the first six months after surgery. Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol.34 (4), 869-76, 2007.
  • 5. Mizuno M., Kakuta M., Ono Y., Kato A., Inoue Y.: Sense of Coherence, Demands of Illness, and Social Support Affects Quality of Life after Surgery in Patients with Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, Vol.36, (p.E1-E9) 2009.
  • 6. Mizuno M., Asano Y., Sumi T., Inoue Y.: Adaptation Status and Related Factors at 2 Time Points After Surgery in Patients with Gastrointestinal Tract Cancer. Cancer Nursing. Vol. 34: 41-48, 2011.
  • 7. Mizuno M., Kataoka J., Oishi F.: Relationship between the Physical and Psychosocial Conditions of Postoperative Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients and their Responses to an Informational Material, Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 4 (1), 53-60, 2017.
  • 8. Mizuno M., Kataoka J., Oishi F.: Longitudinal Study on Quality of Life and Psychosocial Conditions in Light of Responses to Illness-Related Information in Postoperative Cancer Patients, Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, 5 (2) 208-206, 2017.
  • 9. Mizuno M., Yagasaki K., Imai Y., Ueta, I., Bando T., Takahashi A., Komatsu H., Asanuma C., Sarna L., Wells M., Brook J., Floegel-Shetty A., Bialous S.: Impact of a web-based educational program on Japanese nurses tobacco cessation practice and attitudes in oncology settings. J Nurs Scholarsh. DOI:10.1111/jnu.12733, 2021.
  • 10. Mizuno M., Munezawa N., Onizuka M., Kashiwa S., Inoue Y., Kataoka J., et al.: Health related quality of life and factors relevant to return to work in cancer survivors after hospital discharge: a descriptive cross-sectional study, Discover Social Science and Health 2022 Vol. 2 Issue 1, Accession Number: 2740178005 DOI:10.1007/s44155-022-00026-w

Development of Care Program

  • 1. Mizuno M., Sugimoto K., Mayers T., Ferrans C.: Ensuring Cultural and Cognitive Integrity in Instrument Translation: Quality of Life Index for Japanese Cancer Patients. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, accepted on Aug 13, 2018.
  • 2. Mizuno M. Munezawa N., Yamashita M., Sasahara T., Mayers T., Park C., Ferrans C.: Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Quality of Life Index for Patients with Cancer, Research in Nursing and Health, 2019.10.
  • 3. Kanakubo A., Mizuno M., Mizuno M., Asano Y., Inoue Y.,: Acceptability to Making a Self-assessment Using a Tablet Computer and Health-related Quality of Life in Ambulatory Breast Cancer Patients. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing, DOI:10.1016/j.apjon.2021.12.011
  • 4. Mizuno M., Chiba I., Mukohara T., Kondo M., Maruo K., Ohigashi T., et al.: Effectiveness of an online support program to help female cancer patients manage their health and illness: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications 2022 Vol. 30 Pages 101035, Accession Number: 36387994 PMCID: PMC9661427 DOI:10.1016/j.conctc.2022.101035
  • 5. Rimayanti U., Mizuno M., Kadar K., Madjid A., Sahraeny S., Effendy C., Setiyarini S., Mayers T.: Ensuring reliability and cultural validity of the Indonesian version of the Quality Of Life Index for patients with cancer: Res Nurs Health. (2023). DOI:10.1002/nur.22334


  • 1. Mizuno M., Yagasaki K., Imai Y., Ueta, I., Bando T., Takahashi A., Komatsu H., Asanuma C., Sarna L., Wells M., Brook J., Floegel-Shetty A., Bialous S.: Impact of a web-based educational program on Japanese nurses tobacco cessation practice and attitudes in oncology settings. J Nurs Scholarsh. DOI:10.1111/jnu.12733, 2021.
  • 2. Tsai H-Y., Wang C-J., Mizuno M., Muta R., Fetzer S. J., Lin M-F,: Predictors of cancer-related fatigue in women with breast cancer undergoing 21 days of a cyclic chemotherapy. Worldviews on Evidence-based Nursing, 35229973| DOI:10.1111/wvn.12573,2022

Student works

  • 1. Taniguchi A., Mizuno M.: Psychological Stress and Coping in Recently Discharged Postsurgical Cancer Patients. Asia-Pacific Journal of Oncology Nursing 3 (2), 176-182. 2016.
  • 2. Zeng, D., Li, K., Lin, X., Mizuno, M.: Attitudinal Barriers to Pain Management and Associated Factors Among Cancer Patients in Mainland China: Implications for Cancer Education. J Cancer Educ. (2019). DOI:10.1007/s13187-018-1463-0
  • 3. Chiba I., Sasahara T., Mizuno M.; Factors in Cancer-Related Fatigue Self-Management Behaviors of Outpatients Undergoing Chemotherapy. Asia Pac J Oncology Nursing, 6 (3), 209-211, 2019.

Doctorial and Master’s Program
in Nursing Science

Cancer Nursing and Palliative Care Research Area

Cancer Nursing and Palliative Care group is involved in educational activities related to oncology and palliative care nursing. The research areas of the members are wide-ranging, from cancer prevention to support for cancer patients and cancer survivors in the acute phase.

We hold seminars twice a month (From 10:00 to 12:00 on the 2nd and 4th Mondays) to actively exchange opinions on the latest research publications in the field and discuss student research plans and data analysis. The objectives of the seminars are to give inspirations to each other in order to deepen our learning together.

Career path after graduation

Medical Facilities
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Tsukuba Medical Center Hospital
University of Tsukuba Hospital
Ibaraki Prefectural Central Hospital
Hitachi General Hospital

Educational Facilities
University of Tsukuba
Keio University
Bunkyo Gakuin University
Juntendo University
Teikyo University of Science

Introduction of Students

Doctoral Program
Ummi Pratiwi Rimayanti (Year 3)
Dongyan Zeng (Year 3)
Aiko Abe (Year 2)
Miki Naruo (Year 2)
Chen Hong (Year 2)
Ikuko Kamogawa (Year 1)

Master’s Program
Naomi Maruyama (Year 2)
Choei Tai (Year 1)
Yui Takaku (Year 1)
Wu Jiahui (Year 1)

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