Student Support

Students' Life

Residence halls

The university provides living accommodations for married or single students. This facility (dormitory) is located on campus. A restaurant, public bath, shops, barber shop and beauty salon are located in the Commons near the dormitory. Students may rent a single room for the entire academic year on a contract basis. The residents have to pay a monthly rent of 8,000 yen (6,700yen for non-renovated apartment rooms) besides common utility fee of 6,830 yen per month and electric charges (depending on individual usage).


There are plenty of apartments and condominiums around the university. Also numerous varieties are available. Apartments can be found by getting information from your seniors or acquaintances or real-estate agents. Information is also available at the department of academic affairs, Division of Student Welfare. Rates averages between 35,000 to 50,000 yen for a six-mat room with a kitchen, a bath and a toilet.


University of Tsukuba is located in the Tsukuba Science city where many national research organizations and a private research institute are concentrated. Active collaborative researches are performed and form very comfortable study environment.

The Tsukuba Science city is fully equipped with various kinds of community and the private service facilities, and the splendid living environment which harmonized with nature is organized.