QWhere is University of Tsukuba (UT) located?

AUT is in Tsukuba city, 55 km (34 miles) northeast of Tokyo. Tsukuba has been developed as a science city since 1960s and has approximately 300 research institutes with 20,000 researchers.

QWhat kind of university is UT?

AUT has been one of the leading universities in Japan since its birth as Tokyo Normal School in 1872 and its relocation to Tsukuba in 1973. As of 2014, 10,000 undergraduate students study in 9 schools and 6,600 graduate students study in 8 graduate schools. In 2014, UT was designated as Super Global University along with the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and other 10 top universities by the Government of Japan.

QDo I need to speak Japanese to study in UT?

ANo, all the required courses in the master's program in medical science (MPMS) are taught in English. Having said that, you will enjoy your life in Tsukuba more if you speak some Japanese!

QHow many international students are there in UT?

AWe are proud of the diversity of our students and overall, approximately 12% of the students come from abroad. In the MPMS, the proportion is 21% (27/131) in 2014.

QWhere are the international students from?

A The 27 students in the MPMS are from 16 countries: Seven from China, 4 from Vietnam, 2 from Indonesia and Korea, and 1 from Bangladesh, Fiji, Greece, Haiti, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Uganda, and Uzbekistan. We have international offices in medical area and the International Student Center. International Office for Medical Faculty and Students
We have international offices in medical area and the International Student Center. The International Student Center

QHow much does it cost to live and study in Tsukuba?

AAs of 2014, admission fee is 282,000 yen and tuition is 267,900 yen per semester, which sum up to 1,353,600 yen in two years.

QHow can I apply?

QHow can I get to know other students?

AJust talk to the student sitting next to you in class! Or why don't you join a student club as many Japanese students do? UT is famous for its vibrant clubs that span a variety of sports, cultural, and arts activities. Believe it or not, 17 students and alumni participated in the London Olympics and Paralympics in 2012 and won 7 medals!